Running StillOil, powdered pigment, interference pigment, mica, graphite, colored pencil, and crayon on canvas panel78 x 96.25 inches2020
Running in the Sun #1: Flying Parade of Creatures (left piece of diptych)Oil, powdered pigment, interference pigment, mica, crayon, colored pencil, and graphite on canvas, framed in raw cherry36 x 38 inches2019-2020
Running in the Sun #2: Flying Unicorn Surrounded by a Parade of Creatures (right piece of diptych)Oil, powdered pigment, interference pigment, mica, hand set muscovite flakes, crayon, colored pencil, and graphite on canvas, framed in raw cherry36 x 38 inches2019-2020
Stampede SongOil, powdered pigment, 22k gold, mica, interference pigment, crayon, and graphite on canvas, framed in raw cherry24 x 24 inches2019-2022
Palomas | Running Kid in the SunOil, powdered pigment, crayon, mica, interference pigment, and graphite on canvas, framed in raw cherry24 x 24 inches2019-2022
Soft Song Parade | All the Creatures Tumbling Forwardoil, powdered pigment, interference pigment, mica, 22k gold, crayon, and graphite on canvas framed in raw cherry24 x 24 inches2019-2022
Giant Ponies, Bears, and Birds Oil, powdered pigment, interference pigment, crayon, colored pencil, and graphite on canvas55.5 x 87 inches2020
Floating Turtle Dove, Flying Cats, Prancing FawnOil, powdered pigment, crayon, colored pencil, handset muscovite flakes, interference pigment, and graphite on canvas30.5 x 36.5 inches2020
Floating and Flying | Pink Parakeet & Blue Ponyoil, powdered pigment, interference pigment, mica, hand set rose glass chips, crayon, and graphite on canvas in raw cedar frame48 x 48 inches 2020
Flying Sock Monkeyoil, powdered pigment, hand set yellow glass chips, interference pigment, crayon, colored pencil, and graphite on canvas, framed in raw cedar30.5 x 36.5 inches2020